Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kathrin Thedieck 

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Employment / Experience

2019-presentFull Professor and Institute Head for Biochemistry, University of Innsbruck (AT)
2019-presentFaculty Member, Faculty VI – Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Oldenburg (D)
2019-presentHonorary Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University Medical Center Groningen (NL)
2013-2019Associate / Adjunct Professor
European Medical School Oldenburg – Groningen, Universities of Groningen (NL) and Oldenburg (D)
2008-2013Group Leader Functional Proteomics of Metabolic Signaling
Dept. for Bioinformatics and Molecular Genetics (Prof. Ralf Baumeister) University of Freiburg (D)
2006-2008Postdoctoral Fellow
Dept. of Biochemistry (Prof. Michael N. Hall)
Biozentrum, University of Basel (CH)
2002-2005PhD Thesis and Postdoc
Div. of Cell and Immune Biology (Prof. J. Wehland and Dr. L. Jänsch
Hemholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) and TU Braunschweig (D)
2001-2002Diploma Thesis and Postgraduate Scientist
BioVisioN AG, Hannover (D)
1998-2001Ecole Superieure de Biotechnologie Strasbourg (ESBS) (F)
1996-1998Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster (D)

Honors, Awards, and Scholarships

2022ERC Advanced Grant
2018Offer of a chair in Metabolic Signaling, University of Groningen, NL
2018Offer of a chair in Tumor Metabolism, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, D
2018Offer of a chair in Systems Biology, University of Stuttgart, D
2017Offer of a chair in Molecular Biology, University of Bergen, NO
2017Research prize of the German Tuberous Sclerosis Foundation, D
2016100th Anniversary Van Wijhe Verf Award, NL
2015 – 2016DAAD-PPP German-Norwegian exchange program
05/14 – 04/16Royal Society Travel Grant, UK
2013-2018Rosalind-Franklin-Fellow, University of Groningen, NL
2013Offer of a chair in Nutrigenomics, University of Hohenheim, D
2013Junior Fellow, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), D
2009-2010Schlieben-Lange Fellowship, Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, D
2007-2008PostDoc Fellowship of the Peter und Traudl Engelhorn Stiftung, D
2006/2007Mentee: Women into Industry program (WIN) of Novartis and the Basel University, CH
2004Selected Helmholtz delegation member: 18th meeting of Nobel Laureates in Physics, Lindau, D
2002-2005Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg Fellowship, German Research Foundation and Federal State of Lower Saxony, D

Member of scientific councils & advisory boards & editorial work

since 2020 Strategy Board Member: VascAge GmbH, Innsbruck
since 2018Co-Speaker of the Oldenbrug-Groningen Joint Graduate Research Training Group
since 2018Scientific Advisor: German Tuberous Sclerosis Association
since 2017The Groningen Autophagy Group
since 2016GBM Study Group for Autophagy
since 2015Editorial Board: Pharmacological Research
since 2012Scientific Advisory Board: International Study Group for Systems Biology (ISGSB)